The Starseed

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  • Regular price $170.00



unisex fit, preshrunk thick ultra cotton~

*This design is full of intention- it features a brilliant being with a seeing eye mushroom head & only love to give with a heart on its mind.
~Seven chakras dance down each sleeve!


What does it mean to be a starseed?
*The mission of helping humanity is at an all-time high~
*Lightworkers and Starseeds have chosen to seek spiritual knowledge and have made the choice to do their part to assist Earth and Mankind in their ascension. It is when the individual makes the conscious choice to begin their spiritual path and assist others that they normally realize or remember they are a starseed or lightworker. 

are beings who exist here on the earth plane in a three-dimensional human body, but whose soul may have originated from another planet, star system, galaxy, dimension or even parallel universe. Living on earth as a human can be quite traumatic and leave starseeds feeling different and from another planet.
Try to remember you are not alone- we are not alone!

Dominant Color Benefits*Rainbow color magic is an extraordinary symbol of following our hearts desires and soul purpose. The symbolism of rainbow intuitively tells us to hold onto hope, to believe beyond a shadow of doubt that sacred blessings are open to us when we are truly following our hearts desire. Rainbow reminds us that we are guided to our hearts desire when we are open to the spiritual energies of the universe and let them guide us~
